We will cut an 8" or 10" access hole into the main supply & return ducts near the furnace.
This hole provides a hook up point for the high velocity HEPA vacuum.
The furnace filter is then blocked
some vents are sealed off to maximize airflow.
A Viper Rod (air hose) is snaked through each branch (secondary) duct while high pressure air blasts the debris from the inside surfaces of the duct.
1" holes are drilled into the main trunk (duct) line for the insertion of Viper Rods & special air whips.
The Main trunk line (duct) is then whipped and air washed.
The process is then repeated on the supply side of the system.
The coil, the blower are air washed.
The 8" access holes are then sealed with a patch made of heavy gauge sheet metal. Drilled holes (1") in the ducts are then plugged with plastic plugs. All captured debris has been removed from the home through the (8" or 10") vacuum hose.